Hi & Happy New Year!
As we venture into 2024, I’m rooting for good days ahead for us all. With the arrival of January 1, it’s hard to resist contemplating how we hope to improve our lives and the ways we plan to make that happen. It’s exciting, but it also feels like a lot of pressure.
In the fall, I worked on memoir edits. Prior to the release of the audio version of Sad Sacked in 2021, my manuscript shrunk from approximately 90,000 words to 67,000 as my editor and I cut what didn’t translate well for listeners—things like lists and multiple choice quizzes (mocking Corporate America’s hiring and downsizing processes, sadly still topical).
Now that Sad Sacked will come out in print and ebook format in June, I had a chance to add a few of those elements back in. About three-quarters of the way through the manuscript, I came to the chapter that takes place around New Year’s Day 2015. Because things were already challenging (an understatement) for my husband and me career-wise, I decided to lower the bar for the coming year.
Prior to 2015, I’d frequently set myself up for failure by drafting a list of lofty resolutions like:
Learn a new language,
Take up an instrument,
Register for a 5K
Spoiler alert: I accomplished none of these.
(Exhibit A: Look how the Duolingo owl shamed me after I abandoned my French lessons. Ouch.)
Instead of disappointing myself again, that year I made resolutions I could keep. I aimed for things that felt more doable such as:
Try new cheeses,
Change out of pajamas before 2 p.m.,
If it’s not raining, maybe take a walk…
Since then, I’ve decided to go into each new year with high hopes and reasonable expectations.
Last year, I set an intention to see more things that made me say wow. Up until November, I’d stuck with it, visiting a half-dozen museums and a new arboretum.
Refik Anadol: Unsupervised at MoMA
During 2023, the writing world took me to Italy and Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. I met new friends and had an opportunity to celebrate their successes. I reconnected with old friends who were kind enough to come out on a chilly weeknight to support me at a bookstore event. (Thank you, dear friends!)
In 2024, I hope to continue that positive momentum.
That doesn’t mean 2023 didn’t include plenty of disappointments. I received countless rejections for pitches, panels, a non-fiction proposal, a fiction manuscript, and a whole slew of residencies. I’m choosing not to dwell on those.
Whenever you try to create something new, you run the risk of rejection or a lackluster response to your work. I’m at a point where I’d rather chance it than not try at all. In other words, no one is forcing me to do this work. I need to see it as a privilege to pursue a passion instead of the slog it often feels like when I’m struggling to finish a draft and just want to stretch out on the couch and watch bad TV.
I recently saw this quote from Charlotte Brontë and it summed up my feelings perfectly: “I write because I cannot NOT write.”
So if this is the case, I need to accept the setbacks alongside the wins and not sulk when things don’t go my way.
In mid-December, my neighborhood book club met. What did we read? Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie.
I make it a practice to avoid writing negative reviews. As an author, I know how discouraging it feels to read them. But since there’s no chance of Agatha stumbling upon my Substack, I’ll tell you, I didn’t love this selection. I listened to the audiobook and found myself confused by the large cast of suspects and equally befuddled by the ending. Maybe I was just unfocused amid the rush of the holidays. Friends said to try the original movie. I might. But I digress… back to the meeting…
One member walked in and immediately began to complain. Another held up her hand stop-sign-style and said, “No negativity.”
Now I’m relatively new to this book club so I didn’t know what to expect. Would a fight ensue? And if so, could I rescue the charcuterie board before paperbacks and library books started flying?
I was surprised and relieved to see that the lamenter shrugged and pivoted to more pleasant topics. That’s when I decided I’m taking this “No negativity” energy into 2024.
Attempting to put a fancy, new age spin on this, I’ve started telling my kids, “Sorry, I’m reducing my toxic intake this year,” when they whine that dinner won’t be ready for another 15 minutes.
We’ll see how long it lasts!
Things I’m looking forward to in early 2024
I’m going to bullet point this because if you’re like me you’ve probably received enough newsletters to keep you reading well into 2025.
The always-hilarious
is hosting a humor writing challenge which begins January 8.It takes a lot to get me to leave the house in the winter. But in February, I have tickets to see Gary Janetti, writer and producer of Family Guy, Will & Grace, etc. I read both of his essay collections about a year ago and am eagerly awaiting his next. If you’re looking for something light with heart, I recommend them.
I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks while rushing around over the last few months and I’m excited to get back to print with these books.
It’s always hard to know what to get loved ones at this time of year. This was by far the most appreciated gift I gave this season:
Thank you so much for reading and spending time with me in 2023. I wish you all the best for a happy and healthy year!
What do you hope 2024 brings your way?
Loved this so much, Liz - happy 2024 (now we're in Feb, though!). Just catching up on here and finding all the posts I've missed!! So good, SO much resonates, and I'm already looking forward to reading your next essay (and needless to say, adore the cat pic!! How happy do they look?!). 😻😻💗
Love the take on the new year! Beautiful pictures also! BTW, if you register for a 5k, I will, too. 😉 -Tom